Saturday, September 1, 2018

In the beginning....

A while ago I purchased the "1001 albums to listen to before you die" book, and it is taking me on a journey.

I'm looking forward to this; I feel like it's going to be an education, and a joy.  Revisiting some old favourites, checking out artists that I've been interested in, or know solely by name but have never got around to checking out (Steely Dan, CSNY and a lot of 80s artists spring to mind).  Also looking forward to listening to albums from artists who I think of as "greatest hits bands"; because really, most bands have at least one album that is as good as/better than their greatest hits.

The book explicitly states that it excludes compilations and soundtracks (other than where the bulk of the soundtrack is by a single artist), and from memory I don't think there are any greatest hits albums in here either.  I'm happy with the lack of greatest hits as I am a fan of the album format; of a band putting forward their collection of songs in the way that they wanted them to be heard and with their chosen artwork attached to it.

Some of these albums will be accompanied by essays by me, some of them will just get a one line "that's all I have to say about that" review - here we go: and album a day.

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