Monday, September 17, 2018

Day 0017 - Jack Elliott Takes the Floor

Jack Elliott "Jack Takes the Floor" (1958) (later released as "Muleskinner")

The complete opposite to yesterday's entry.  Where that was a lush, glossy, professional studio production; this is a rough-and-ready recording, mostly it's just guitar and Jack giving low-key, cowboyish spoken-word intros to each of the songs.

I'd never heard of Jack, but this was brilliant! apparently this album was a MAJOR early influence on Bob Dylan, as well as being enjoyed by the Rolling Stones and Paul McCartney.
The music is wonderful, just from the stark simplicity of it.  Elliott's powerful voice holds your attention beautifully backed by his hard folk strumming and plucking style guitar playing which went on to influence plenty of other players (again including Dylan).

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