Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Day 0809 - Fuzzy Logic

Super Furry Animals "Fuzzy Logic" (1996)

I am smitten.   This is another band where I'd heard their name enough but wasn't really sure who they were or what they were about.

Turns out they're a band from Wales who had initially been into techno, got signed by Creation Records (along with every second Brit-rock band at the time, it seems) and then produced an album of brilliant pop rock.

"Fuzzy Logic" is equal parts David Bowie and Blur.   Fuzzed out guitar in "God! Show me Magic" collides with the gentle folk-pop of "Gathering Moss" which itself sounds suspiciously like something that Damon Albarn might have borrowed from for his the "Good, the Bad and the Queen" album.   The most prominent sound though is glorious baroque pop like on tracks "If you don't want me to destroy you" and "Fuzzy Birds".   

The album closes off with a strident slice of singalong fuzz-rock that wouldn't sound out of place on an early Weezer album.

Definitely interested in checking out more from SFA. 


Spoiler: because I'm further through the list in my listening than my posts here show.   There is another SFA album in the list and it is somehow even better!

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